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A lot of people are not living their dreams,and in that case,they are committing spritual sucide,we you haver a goal,live for that goal.there things you need to know ion life,what do you look to in 10-20 years from now to happene to you.if you are not where you wanna be at some point in life,it has nothing to do with the system,it has nothing to do with the government,but it has everything to do about you that you not making that sacrifice,
because if you don't,you maybe working for somebody else to make their dream come to pass.
Most people take their ideas to the grave yard,in the grave yard,there you can find great invensions and dreams that have been killed,the wealthest place to be,is the grave yard.
IF is was easy,everybody will do it,you can never ever be successful until you change you pain to greatness,to change your pain to your own gain,stop running from your pain and embrace it,because your pain is part of your price you have to pay.
It does not take anything from you to be a looser,but will take much from you to be as winner,we have eight six thousand four hundred in a day,and how do you use it,what you do today,is gonna signal what you will become,we have 24hours in a day,and how do you use it,
the difference between,opera and the nigga that is broke is,opera uses her 24hours wisely.
And for sure,the biggest devil you have to deal with,is yourself,if you wanna be successful as bad as you wanna breath and you will be successful,if do not care about any basket ball game,you don't care about what movie they are showing,you do not care about party,don't care about people calling you,then you will be successful.
    people wanna party more than success,people wanna be cool more than they wanna success,they don't want success,they just kind of want it,but wanna party all night and day,
and wanna sleep much more than they wanna success,and,i wanna tell you,if you wanna be will be ready to give up sleep.You better be ready to Work for 22hours and sleep for 2hours,or even some day,you got to be up for 3days in a roll,because if you go to sleep,you might miss the opportunity that you had to be successful.....
Most people will not be successful because when they try and fail or get tired,they quite.Nver cry to give up,cry to keep going,you are already in pain,you are ready hurt,get a reword from it.All men are created equal,so work harder in pre-season
At any moment,you have to be ready to sacrifice what you are to become what you wanna become.I wanna tell you something,there are some of you if you give up your cell phone,you will become successful,but your cell phone is much more important than your success,most of you have to give up their cell phone,because the time,they spend on their cell phone can be use for their success,and the cell phone is not bringing anything but a bill


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